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Download Hustlers Bible The Book: The Money-Maker's Bible by Gayton McKenzie

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This is unfortunately what happens to a church where the leader is worshipped by the flock. One where the pastor sets up shop, builds a congregation based around his personality,his interpretations of the bible, where he is the star. Folks, Jesus started one universal church 2000 years ago. The enemy has successfully divided Christians against each other and resulted in 40,000 denominations, some called "non denominational". If one is a true Christian, they will humble themselves, pick up the history books, read the original bible (with 73 books in it, not 66) and ask themselves where their set if beliefs came from and who started their church. A pastor or Jesus? Look who compiled and gave us the bible. Jesus handed the keys of the kingdom to Peter and built his church on him. One should not go to church because the pastor is so lively. One should go for true worship and receiving our Lord worthily. Read John chapter 6 in context and it will change your life.

2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. In context, God raises false prophets to show them, leaders and the flock for what they are. It's as simple as that. When you don't love the truth as it is in Christ, God Himself will give you over to a strong delusion. God raises delusions!! Don't be quick to overlook Mr Sheppard's sin b/c if you do that, then you'll open the door to all sorts of abominations to come and lead the flock.To use David and other OT failures to justify sin is mishandling the word of God. You fail to acknowledge the admonishments of 1 Timothy, Titus and 2 Peter 2 regarding how leaders should conduct themselves and specifically in the 2 Peter 2 account is an exposition on how false prophets act. If God opens your eyes you'll be able to draw parallels. The small book of Jude is a source of how false leaders are too. The prayer is that God will deal with Mr Sheppard's sin in the privacy of his dilemma. I'm referring to the sin of mishandling the truth to build his church moreso then the adultery. If God is dealing with him, there is hope. God, if He's willing, can fix the dishonesty of 'salvation by making a decision for Jesus' equating it to 'fire insurance'. How abominable!I'm appealing to those who truly have a reverance for God and the truth of the bible and pray that from this event, may God according to His pleasure and His will, bring many to the true light and ultimately give all Glory to Himself. This is something only God can do!!I'm speaking as someone who was deluded under this ministry until by the mercy and grace of God, He plucked me out of this mess. Unfortunately, I still have many friends and family under this ministry. I could only pray and hope.Please if you still are a ALCF attendee ask yourself every time you leave a sermon, 'Do I know Christ a little better? His offices? His work? What He really accomplished on Calvary? Has the preacher exposed Christ coming in the volume of the book from Genesis to Revelations?' - If the preacher is not answering these questions, cry out to God to have mercy and lead you to where you can get fed!If you 'see red' after reading my comments, I do not apologise. Check out if what I'm saying has any validity!May God have Mercy.PD.

Download Hustlers Bible The Book

It's like all the characters from Pilgrim's Progress have come out of the woodworks to throw in their 2 cents...this person included. A classic book and a wonderful allegory of the journey of the believer.We don't revel when one falls, but we learn and look to what God is doing in all this, looking to Christ for redemption...'the author and finisher of our faith.'Operating phrase...Christ's redemption...none of this man-made damage control stuff. Like the weary pilgrim in the story, read and hold on to your Scroll and wait on the Interpreter to help you.By the way...enjoy this moment, cos there's coming a day where we won't be able to talk about the bible in a public forum...even in 'mud slinging'.PD.

@Far AwayThere are sinners in every Church and the Catholic church has never failed on faith or morals. Sinners (including popes) have done bad things. Wouldn't the devil attack the one true church?The fact is that there is no other Church in the world other than the Catholic church that stands up to the world as it does. The Catholic church is the one out on the forefront of the abortion fight, the one attempting to lead the world back to a straight path, the one saying what ills contraception has done to society, the one that gave the world the bible and has vowed to protect it. Of course to see that some got their way, they removed 7 books from the bible (ignoring what scripture says about that, example: Revelation 22:18-19). The church was handed the keys to Peter and has succeeded in leading billions to Christ for over 200 years.Mary is the ark of the new covenant. Read scripture and you'll see it. Who wouldn't honor (not worship) the one that carried our beloved Jesus for 9 months? Without her, where would salvation lie? God didn't rent out a surrogate mother for 9 months! The rosary focuses us on Jesus's life. There is mass (church service) EVERY hour of the day around the world in the Catholic church. One can go to any Catholic church and follow the same daily readings, the same type of service,etc. Not what that particular pastor feels like. How can one say that about a protestant church that is only open on some evenings and weekends? True worship is in the Eucharist and last supper. Read John 6 literally (yes, we Catholics do read the bible literally). True worship is not singing to a band before a lively sermon. I'm not trying to take away from any of the wonderful things that so many do for Christ. It's just that there's a fullness of truth, steeped in 2000 years of history waiting for all of us. Watch the video and tell us how you can deny any of it? Web LinkPray about it. I suggest any interested read Jeff Cavin's books if they seek the truth with an open mind. He spent 12 years as a protestant pastor and came back when he found the truth! Either way, we all sin and fall short of God's glory. I pray for Pastor Paul and all of those who constantly fall short of God's glory and grace.In Christ's love,

It is funny how a number of christians claim that God never change when the bible clearly shows that the God of the old testament is absolutely different from the God of the new testament. The God of the old covenant is cruel, ready to destroy even his chosen people; whereas the God of the new covenant is full of mercy and grace.I know the arguments folks " You have taken the verses out of context" or many of you might say " You are deceived by the enemy."How do you expect pastor Paul to follow a book with thousands of inconsistencies? If the bible itself claims that God changes his mind on many issues, how much more do you expect this poor mortal to follow some so-called moral code prescribed by pre-historic men who thought that the earth was flat.GENESIS 6:6, EX 32:14, NUMBERS 14:20, 1SAMUEL 15:35, 2SAMUEL 24:16 God does change his mind.NUMBERS 23:19-20, 1SAMUEL 15:29, JAMES 1:17 God does not change his mind.


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